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Book your tickets for the next Business Tennis Forum

Business of Tennis Forum 2019

Tickets are now on sale for this year’s Forum to be held again at The All England Club on Tuesday October 8th. The programme will be announced next month and the event will build upon the success of last years’ Forum when over 120 delegates attended, including some 30 major tennis clubs, together with a dozen tennis industry companies exhibiting. 

The event this year will provide workshops and more time for networking between clubs attending and between TIAUK industry members and clubs. 

The Forum is sponsored this year by TIAUK Business Partner BLM and the drinks reception is being supported again by Tennis Threads. Final details on the format, presentations and speakers will be announced shortly on the TIAUK website www.tiauk.org 

Tickets are available now on https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/business-tennis-forum-2019-tickets-62256459747
