Annual Business of Tennis Forum moves to Wimbledon in October

Save the date – Tuesday October 9th – for the 2018 Business of Tennis Forum – this year to be held in the fully refurbished ‘Courtside’ restaurant/conference room at the All England Club. 

This is the 5th year of the TIA UK’s Business of Tennis Forum and the 2018 event is planned to be the best ever. Not only will it be at a new venue and held later in the year, it will also have a different format and a whole day has been allocated for the event.

“We are working closely with the LTA on the content of the Forum this year to further promote the Transforming British Tennis Together programme to a wider audience. Whilst all tennis businesses, clubs and individuals will of course be welcomed, we are targeting this year’s event at the larger tennis clubs that have full-time Managers and/or Directors of Tennis” said Phil Sandilands of the TIA UK. 

“The Forum provides a great opportunity to analyse the role of the larger well established clubs in local tennis partnerships. There are excellent examples where the clubs have delivered real added value to localised tennis development programmes resulting in increased membership numbers and activity, but not all are fully engaged in this way” said Sandilands. 

The Forum aims to highlight examples of best practice as well as considering the issue of how tennis in clubs can better deliver a commercial return and what lessons can be learned from other complementary activities such as health and fitness and retailing. 

The Forum agenda and speakers will be announced in the coming weeks. A network drinks reception at the end of the day is also being planned.

For the first time, an exhibition area will be located adjacent to the conference room and it is hoped that TIA UK members in particular will take advantage of this opportunity to promote their products and services to the tennis club market. 

If you are interested in attending the Forum or having a space at the exhibition, please contact